Open call: MINU Festival’s Young Composers’ Conference 2022


Korvat auki calls for young or emerging composers based in Finland to hold presentations at the first internordic young composer’s conference in Copenhagen, held together with the MINU festival for extended music.

4 participants will be selected through the open call, which is hosted by Korvat auki in Finland. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered for the selected participants. 

To participate in the call, you must’ve paid the membership fee for the season 2022-23 of Korvat auki. (instructions here)

You can apply to participate in the festival either with a presentation or without. Applicants willing to have a presentation will be prioritized. The selection will take into account the diversity of selected artists. 

The call is open from September 13 to October 7. We will inform the selected participants on October 14 at the latest. 

MINU_festival_for_expanded_music is an initiative for expanding the definition of music through presenting the unmusical as musical. The Copenhagen based festival is a space for oscillating between extremes and charting relationships between art, technology, and contemporary culture. 


The festival returns for its second edition November 9-13th 2022 with most events taking place at Ku.Be in Frederiksberg. In addition to concerts, MINU has partnered with a host of nordic organisations to organise a conference which will bring together young composers and sound artists for 4 days of performance lectures, showcases and inter-nordic networking.
Each conference day kicks off with a performance lecture which sets the theme for the day’s presentations: 

DAY 1: Embodiment
DAY 2: Symbols 
DAY 3: Language
DAY 4: Free for All

MINU and the partner organisations RASK (IS), Korvat Auki, Konstmusiksystrar (SE) and nyMusikks Komponistgruppe (NO) are looking for participants who would like to be a part of the conference. Each board has put out a separate open call to artists active in their respective communities and countries. 

How to apply

To apply to represent Korvat Auki in the conference, please submit the following to by October 7, at 23:59. Applications must be in English. Questions about the call can be sent to the same email address.

OPTION A) Apply with a presentation:
An abstract or proposal (max 2 pages) for a 30 min presentation about a topic related to your work/artistic/research interest and related to one of the 4 topics which you would be interested in presenting as part of the conference (note: the last day is a free-for-all re. themes). The proposal can include pictures, sound and/or video. 

OR OPTION B) Apply without a presentation:
A short letter of motivation (max. 1 page) explaining why participating at the festival would be relevant/beneficial for you at the stage of your career where you currently are. 

2. A portfolio of 1-3 pages showcasing key previous works and/or publications. This can be communicated through text, pictures and links to video and recordings.

3. CV

Please note, that all uploads must be in non-expiring links, such as google drive, dropbox or for audio/video on streaming platforms. Documents can be sent directly with the application.

The selection of all applicants will be done on the basis of the applications. Whether presenting or not, the conference will be a forum where artists within the area can meet and build inter-nordic networks as well as gain important new inspiration and knowledge. 

About MINU festival for expanded music:

MINU is founded on a commitment to social sustainability that entails empowering artists through careful curation and equitable working relationships, regardless of the stage of their career. The same ethos is embodied in our drive to expand the kind of works offered in Copenhagen’s contemporary music scene. This attitude is coupled with an emphasis on presenting pieces by young local composers alongside those by internationally recognized artists, all refracted through the festival’s exploratory premise and with a priority on programming works that have never been performed in Copenhagen.

Expanding music necessitates platforming artists from a plurality of cultural backgrounds. We maintain a biannual quota to ensure that the gender ratio of both composers and number of pieces by composers are 50/50 [female-identifying/male-identifying] over a two year period, with gender nonconforming artists alternating between the two categories each year. Additionally, we pledge to uphold a biannual racial diversity quota, ensuring that over a two year period, at least 20% of our featured composers will be people of color. The implementation of biannual quotas affords us the freedom to develop in-depth programming of particular artists/milleus during specific iterations of the festival while requiring robust metrics for diverse inclusion. Diversity statistics are published biannually.

In addition to the conference the 2022 festival features the first danish concert performance of the seminal german ensemble maulwerker, concerts by Danish-based ensemble K!ART and Current Resonance [in collaboration with Pamela Angela and Yearling], a solo concert by Finnish percussionist Kalle Hakosalo and a cinema-style screening of audiovisual works. The conference will feature performance lectures by Marcela Lucatelli, Frederik Degrér, Naomi Schrader and Andreas Borregaard together with several other curated presentations.